
Solid Foods

My Gloworm went to the Doctor's yesterday and now she can start eating solid foods.  Yay!  She has been wanting to eat all of the time, so hopefully this will help her with that.  I just can't get up every two hours at night to feed her all the time!  So she had her first bowl of rice cereal this morning.  She was a bit grouchy, but still seemed to enjoy that she was able to eat something with more sustenance than milk.  Now she is all curled up on my chest and half asleep with a nice full tummy.

For the past several weeks she has been staring at my food while I'm eating.  She can also hold her head up, open her mouth voluntarily, bring toys to her mouth, and doesn't have the reflex to stick her tongue out when you put something in her mouth.  So she showed all the signs of being ready to move on to eating solids.

I love to watch her grow up and progress.  Though I love her little, I want her to grow up and be a healthy, smart child and I don't want to hold her back by wishing she were still little.  I will love her no matter what size or age she is, she will always be my daughter.


Clean House!

It is SO NICE to wake up to a clean house!  With the new baby, a clean house has been a rarity.  I've had no motivation to clean.  This party yesterday really got me moving.  I cleaned the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the baby room.  Now I just need to tackle our bedroom and closet.  That will be a project.  I have clothes that don't fit anymore that I've been trying to sell on Craigslist and Ebay without success.  I really don't know what to do with them.  But that is all for another day.  I'm just glad that I have accomplished what I did and I'm going to enjoy my clean kitchen and living room.


Coffee Party Results

All the guests have just left my house.  The Bistro Baking party was a success!  I made a chocolate cheesecake with caramel sauce, devil's food cupcakes in my new Wilton heart shaped muffin pan, and homemade cappuccino mix.  I also had mini turkey & cucumber sandwiches so we didn't have all sweet things.  One of my guests brought a New York cheesecake, and it was delicious, too!  My Coffee-Mate sponsored party was a lot of fun and I enjoyed hosting it.  I think I will start trying to have more gatherings at my house after seeing how well this one turned out.


Resting a bit after party preparations.  So far I have cleaned the kitchen, swept and mopped, done some laundry, wrote out eight recipe cards, made a chocolate cheesecake, and a cappuccino mix with Coffee-Mate's peppermint mocha powdered creamer.  Oh, and I gave Gloworm a bath, too!  Wow, I've actually accomplished quite a bit already.  Now it's time to tackle the living room and make some cupcakes :)

Coffee-Mate Party!

Coffee-Mate brand creamer is doing this new thing called Free Flavor Friday, and for  it they selected members of their mailing list to have a themed-party in their behalf.  I signed up and was selected to host a Bistro Baking Party.  They sent those hosting the parties a box full of things to make your party a success.  Mine included a red embroidered apron with the Coffee-Mate logo (very good quality, I may add); a stack of blank recipe cards and three with recipes printed on them; 15 coupons for free Coffee-mate for your guests; a Wilton silicone heart muffin pan; and a cook book that is set up like a photo album that you put your own recipes into. They also sent cups and napkins, as well as instant coffee and creamer single packs.  I haven't even had my party yet and I am already having so much fun with what they sent me!

Even though it's Free Flavor Friday, I am hosting my party today, Saturday, because I was unable to hold it yesterday.  I have so much to do!  Now it's time to put my Gloworm in her swing near me in the kitchen so I can make all the desserts I am planning on serving, including a chocolate cheesecake.  More to come later in the day!


Snow Day!

I'm so excited!  Where I work is closed for the weather for the first time since I've worked there (8 years!) I'm going to have a great day at home with my snuggly baby girl.  She's still sleeping right now.  Perhaps I will make cookies or some other treat that I never have time for.  I'm having some friends over this weekend, so I could try out a new recipe.  And then when my gloworm wakes up we can read a book together and play on her play mat to the smell of fresh baked goodies and the sound of snow falling outside.